Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Casting Snakehead and craving for Fresh Water Big Head prawn!

Date:13-14 April 2012

It has been few months from the last time i visit Miri, where last trip to Miri was om January 2012. In order to have times for some fishing activities at Miri with my uncle, i have to apply for annual leave. After settle my work, then is my show time. Since i don't have much time to fish because uncle was quite busy with his work, i really appreciate the fishing time. Really thanks uncle a lot for his precious time. On Friday evening, after uncle come back form his work, he took me to pond near to Lambir National park, the pond just situated near to the main road and easily been seem. While i try mu luck at the big pond that have lots of lotus, uncle make his move to the smaller pond not far a while. After so many cast been make, i felt a bit disappointed because not even a single bite. Took a look at uncle, he manage to land a beautiful size Haruan and he said he miss several strikes which maybe have scaled of more than 1kg if only it been landed. We walk back to the big pond, uncle try to have some cast there, while i still remain on the same place sending the lure into middle of lotus. Suddenly i noticed some movement between the lotus and my lure has been bite! what more, pull on my rod and YES!!! A nice Haruan manage to be landed after having a long session of casting. Maybe because of the time matter, the haruan become quite aggressive to take the bite. My observation maybe the dawn that cause Haruan aggressive the bite. On the same spot uncle have two strike but only one Haruan manage to be landed.  

Having enough fun at the pond, we make our move to another pond on the way back which is also near to road side. It only took few minutes for uncle to landed another Haruan where at the same time i also landed one but smaller in size. Around 6.45pm, we decided to go back. Result today, uncle got many strikes and manage to land four Haruan whereas i only have two strikes and both been landed. Personally felt that Haruan become less aggressive to take the lure when the weather is hot, because at the first big pond, the Haruan only take the lure when the weather has been cold down with less bright sunlight. But the key to success, have to work hard, send the lure to any possible place that hide Haruan because some of the Haruan will only take the lure after several cast has been make with different presentation of lure. Well, sure i will be back and look for Haruan and if possible Bujuk and Keradang. 

The first pond that full with lotus, Haruan aggressive 
to take the lure when the weather start to chill down.

The second small Haruan landed at the second pond.

Beside fishing, don't miss the beautiful natural painting. 

Happy with the Haruan Casting session, is time to move for Fresh Water Big Head Prawn. Another big THANK YOU to uncle because in order to have the prawning session, uncle only worked for half day and afternoon we heard to Sungai Niah. Reach Sungai Niah around 1pm, we rent a small boat with 6 horse power Yamaha engine and what do we waiting for??? Lets go! According to uncle, the water condition was not so good and judging by the appearance, should be heavy rain on the upstream which cause the water become cold and crude. Since we was here, we just hope that luck was with us today. Unlike usual, not much responses been received by me and uncle, but thank god that luck was on my side where i manage to landed a beautiful Big Head Prawn within short time. Then when move to another spot, i manage to landed another one which believe to have weight more than 400grams when i was trying to check the bait and the big one suddenly pull my rod.

With the two big fella, i was quite happy already. Luck was not with uncle today because he received two strong pull from the big fella but they win the game when uncle almost succeed to pull them out from water. At the last spot before we go back, i have received a strong pull from the casting rod that i use to cast Haruan yesterday. What a strong pull make by Big Head Prawn as it able to pull the lines out from my spool, i try to tighten a bit the spool but OH NO!!!! The big fella manage to escape!!! Imagine the feeling i have that time! How i wish to land it and took a nice photograph but what to do? I swear i will come back again and by that time, i hope the big fella can show up and fight with me again! Haha. Until the next trip, BYE. 

Caught by uncle last time, with weight of 460 grams. 

The two big fella landed by me, will be threeif i didn't miss 
the last one, which believe will be the biggest one!

Spotted a beautiful rainbow on the way back to jetty. 

Finger licking good Steam Big Head Prawn with eggs!